Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Taking Time to Smell the Roses

I live on a lovely lane by the sea, and on my morning walk I pass by a home with a beautiful rose garden. Roses fill this yard and the owners have made sure to plant a row of roses right by the fence so people walking by can appreciate the smell. In this yard I see crimson, peach, yellow and white and some colors are divine mixes of two or three.

This made me think today about our love affair with the rose, and how it has been translated into fashion. Some roses are bright and bold and others are dainty and delicate. There are tea roses, cabbage roses and wild roses. We've managed to represent just about every type of rose into the garments we've worn over the years and I've selected a few lovely rose adorned pieces of vintage fashion for your enjoyment from members of the Vintage Fashion Guild.
For cocktails in a swanky bar, we have this divine late 1950's rose print hourglass cocktail dress in a delicious mix of greens at The Vintage Vortex, She is in near mint condition and a definite head-turner!
If the beach is your destination, check out this adorable 1960's black and white stylized cabbage rose print swimsuit, available at
When dancing is on the agenda, this sultry 1940's black rose cocktail dress from Posh Girl Vintage will have you doing the Tango in high vintage style!
A night on the town in this stunning 1950's rose creation from DeniseBrain Vintage will earn you a basket full of compliments!
And finally, you will be a vision in white chiffon as you walk down the aisle in is rose adorned confection on your special day! Exquisite 1950's ruffled wedding dress available at

1 comment:

Some Like it said...

Welcome Amber of The Vintage Vortex! Our latest contributor to the blog!