It’s funny that when I think of Elvis Presley, I instantly visualize the persona rather than his music. I personally prefer “thin Elvis” when he did the beach movies with Ann Margret. But nobody does “thin Elvis”. Most impersonators prefer the flashy and hefty one with the sparkly costumes, big hair and sideburns. Some might say that he is bigger now than when he was alive. Graceland has become a sort of mecca for the devoted. People want to curl their lips, eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches and swing their hips in that signature way.
What is it about this southern man whose light continues to burn so bright even today? I think that in the years to come, the only other performer who could hold a candle to his fame posthumously is Michael Jackson. I can already see it happening. I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand the unstoppable mania in the same way I shake my head at women my mother’s age who still swoon over Tom Jones, Wayne Newton and the late Liberace.
Don’t get me wrong! The minute I enter Vegas, I’ll be heading straight for the box office to order my Wayne Newton tickets along with any featuring Cirque du Soleil. What can I say? I’m cheesy that way.
Thank you, thank you very much!
Calling all Elvis fans - here are some items available now...
New Elvis Presley Retro Alarm 6" Clock w/ Band Blue |
That album was the first LP I ever listened to on my own when I was 7 years old. My dad had it. After my grandmother found out I loved that record, she made me a bunch of Elvis casettes to listen too.
I live in Vegas and last week, I got stuck at a light going to work. There was a marathon going through so I had 20 minutes to watch. All the runners were dressed as Elvis. Only in Las Vegas...
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