Have a look at this vintage Van Heusen ad on the left. It's absolutely shocking, with the woman on her knees while serving her man. And on the right is a current ad from the same company. This ad has apparently been banned in some parts of the world. Sexism has been replaced with Sexy. It's just as provocative, but in a different way. Because one thing about advertising hasn't changed and that is 'sex sells' just about anything.

With American football's biggest event approaching soon, I'm sure that Advertising agencies are hard at work with designs and concepts for the latest and greatest in television, radio and print ads for their expensive clients. The below ads may not be right for today's sensibilities, but I'm sure that the upcoming Superbowl's advertising results will be just as contraversial and memorable in a different way. Who knows, 20 years from now, today's ad may raise just as many eyebrows as these vintage ones do today.
Here are some vintage publications available for purchase
Vintage Mayfair Men's Glamour Magazine |
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