Monday, April 26, 2010

Lisner: Spring Cleaning or Spring Shopping?

Okay, we all know spring has sprung and for many this brings out the spring cleaning bug. Opening windows, moving furniture to get to the winter dust bunnies and clean is a springtime ritual. Has anyone found themselves in an Ikea or storage specialty store lately? Most likely. Looking at all those lovely bins, shelves and stacking drawers to organize your life...until next winter anyway.

While I admit to participating in a spring cleaning at home, I generally have more of an itch to go shopping. Heading outside and strolling the boutiques, looking at the new spring styles - for me only comes at this time of year. Whether or not I have money to burn is irrelevant - spring is a time for shopping!

And this little Lisner Vintage Parure set from Bonnie & Clydes Treasure Trove is a perfect spring look. It gives me the feeling it is blooming as the new season is - the leaves have just opened with fresh buds. One can almost smell the scent of spring in this beautiful set. Now available, $76.

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