Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Father Knows Best

The TV series Father Knows Best debuted this week in 1954.

It was about a whole herd of now outdated concepts like being a happily married couple with self motivated family members who all turned up for a home made healthy dinner at the same time, and were polite. Text messaging was written on a chalk board in the kitchen.

Well, we can at least look like the Andersons!


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I was so into watching Father Knows Best and all the reruns! There was something about the family...they had their disagreements, the kids got into trouble...everything. But there was always a good moral lesson to be learned. Now the fashion is something I totally love...especially that first sweater!

Jennifer said...

So was Father Knows Best the inspiration behind these new pieces? I love the items of clothing you have created, and it would be interesting to know the reasons behind the designs. Is there a deeper meaning of creativity to them, or like you said, just to look like the Andersons!? I love the vintage fashion and am keen to find out the thought process of creating them.