Monday, October 27, 2008


I have a confession. I love feathers, fur coats and leather goods. (If my dog could talk, he would certainly have a thing or two to say about this.)

But the beauty of vintage is these items come guilt free - almost. Appreciating these types of items a second time around is much more humane than buying a brand new fur!

Two new wool & feather hats from Some Like it Vintage.

1950s Vintage Boutique Wool & Feather Hat with Netting


The Vintage Housewife... said...

hello and thank you for swingin' by my place and leavin the sweetest comment...first let me say you are the queen on vintage...i love your blog...thank you for sharing the history and your love of vintage style...fab...vintage 101!!! i am so into vintage 20's hats...and the feathers are so collectable...what treasures...blessings cat

Karen ~ Cider Antiques said...

Lovely blog! I shall add you to my blogroll if that is OK :)
