It's a Novel Idea!
Have you ever heard the term "Novelty Dress"? There is such a thing and in the vintage world it refers to a dress that has a unique pattern or picture on it. Something different than a solid color dress, or a dress with geometric, abstract, stripes or dots. A novelty print is akin to a work of art - perhaps capturing a pastoral scene or a Norman Rockwell moment. It is an unexpected, yet pleasant addition to an article of clothing and can hold your attention for a long time!
This vintage 1950s dress from Planet Claire Vintage on Etsy is a stunning work of art. From the gorgeous red canvas to the accurate and detailed print of square dancers, this dressed is called 'Calamity Jane' - obviously referring to the notable figure from American Western history.
Should it be worn or framed and put on the wall? Now available for $135.
This is stunning! Love it! Take some me time today!
I love novelty dresses, that one is a gorgeous example xx
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