Friday, September 4, 2009

Fido, Bring Me My Slippers...

How do you shuffle around the house? And what do you call those things you put on your feet that are not quite a shoe, but are only worn indoors?

I call mine slippers. But I have also heard these terms: slippies, booties, fuzzies, house shoes, baboosh, pantofle, slipshoe.

What do you call yours? Are they warm and fuzzy or satin and sexy? Do you look to them for comfort or a simple change when you get home. Tell me about your slippers.

Vintage slippers now available.


Keith said...

These are great. I really love #3 and the last one.

Witchcrafted Life said...

As someone whose toes tend to be on the chilly side in all but the hottest of months, slippers are a necessity for me. I love wearing a comfortable pair though, don't get me wrong. The ones I've been wearing for a while now are nowhere as glam as the examples here, but they quite adorable (pink slip-ons with Hello Kitty's face over the toe section of each).

Hope you have a fantastic day, sweetie - big hugs,
♥ Jessica